Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How My Tutor Computer Chips Can Help

How My Tutor Computer Chips Can HelpThe availability of my tutor computer chips has made the process of scheduling and taking care of your child's learning much easier. Now you don't have to keep track of who will be available during the school day, or who is going to help your child in their math class. The system has become so popular that it now has an entire section devoted to this in almost every book you will ever see about the subject. If you are having a difficult time making up your mind about whether or not this technology will work for you, then you might want to consider learning about the benefits of using a my tutor computer chip.First of all, you should know that there are many different ways that my tutor computer chips can help you. Some use text-to-speech software to help your child learn the proper spelling and pronunciation of words. Other programs use a built-in dictionary to give them definitions for terms they may come across. As more information is added to th e software, it will be able to give you instant feedback on what your child needs to improve. This is really helpful when you need to revise a lesson, because you will be able to determine how much you need to emphasize certain parts of the lesson, and to determine if you need to speed up the lessons a bit.Another way that my tutor computer chips can help you is by allowing you to check on your child as they are doing their homework. Usually, this would take up a good chunk of time, but with the use of this kind of system, you can check up on your child while they are working. You can see how long it takes them to complete a task, and you can see how fast they learn. This allows you to move on to the next part of the assignment before they're ready.Lastly, my tutor computer chips are completely programmable. Unlike traditional systems, the chip can be updated over the internet to teach your child the latest methods of learning. This means that you can even keep your child up to date on things such as the latest chess techniques or the latest books on business strategy. You can also monitor your child's progress by asking for their opinions on certain subjects, or by just asking them what they learned in the lessons. By monitoring how your child is learning, you can keep yourself on top of the learning curve and ensure that your child continues to learn at an accelerated rate.These are just a few of the ways that my tutor computer chips can help you. With each one of these features comes an additional fee, so you need to weigh the pros and cons of each option before you choose which one will best suit your needs. When you get the chance to take a look at the various options available, you should have a better idea of what you will want from a system like this.The next thing you should know about my tutor computer chips is that they are very convenient for parents. In fact, they are so easy to use that they are a great way to introduce your child to the world of computers without you needing to worry about them trying to sneak through the screens of the computer to access their favorite sites. These programs are designed to easily plug into the computer and not take up any space. In fact, you can sometimes just plug them in and use them without worrying about them being detected by a teacher or a parent.As you can see, my tutor computer chips have many great uses. If you are a parent who has a tough time keeping up with your child's learning, then this might be just the thing you need to make your job a little easier. The system will be able to give you instant feedback on your child's progress, and it can help you keep up with your own learning and progress as well.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Avoid Running Out of Time on the ACT

How to Avoid Running Out of Time on the ACT Preparing to take the ACT? Such an important testwhere your admission, scholarship eligibility, or class placement may hinge on the resultscan make you nervous, affecting your testing performance. While a majority of ACT test prep is focused on studying the content of the exam, the time constraints of each section are a major source of anxiety for many students. This concern may be compounded if youre a student who struggles with test anxiety. Here are a few strategies for testing your best and to avoid running out of time on the ACT: 1. Take timed ACT practice tests If youre nervous about pacing on the real test, one of the best ways to prepare is to take several timed, full-length ACT practice tests in the weeks and months leading up to test day. Practice tests do not just measure your understanding of the content; they are also useful for adapting to the exams structure and time constraints. You may not be able to score a 36 on the ACT Reading Section now, but after weeks of practice, you can adapt to working accurately at a faster pace. Each week leading up to the ACT, set aside time to take a full practice test. If you dont have time for the full test, select at least two sections to practice. It is important when taking these practice tests to set a timer, to mimic the pressure of test day. Each time you take a practice test, you should see your time, score, and confidence improve. (The free Varsity Tutors ACT Prep Book also has everything you need to learn about the testa full-length practice test, practice problems, explanations of ACT co ncepts, and more.) [RELATED: 7 Ways to Support Your Student's ACT/SAT Study] 2. Budget your time on ACT test day Knowing time is limited, budget your time in a way that works best for you. For example, the math section contains 60 questions and allots 60 minutes for completion. In this scenario, you can budget one minute per question (although youll likely spend less than a minute on many questions, and a few minutes on others). Dont constantly check the clock, but look up every five questions or so to see if your pacing is on track. If you are ahead, keep your comfortable pace, and if you finish early, youll have time to review your answers. If you are behind, try working a bit faster to catch up. 3. Save the hard ACT questions for last Students often take tests in a very linear fashion. They answer questions in order no matter the difficulty, and once they close their test booklet, they dont look back. Break this habit to help manage your time on the ACT. When you begin the test, answer the questions that come easily to you first. Skip the hard questions, and circle them in your test booklet so you know to come back to it later. Once you have quickly answered the easy questions, you can revisit the more difficult questions. Its a good idea to budget your time here as well. If you have 20 minutes left for 10 hard questions, you can give yourself about 2 minutes per question. If you are truly drawing a blank, make an educated guess. The ACT does not penalize for wrong answers, so once you have completed the test, check your answer sheet to verify that you have at least one answer for each question. [RELATED: How to Make Predictions on the ACT Science Section] Take regular practice tests and utilize test-day strategies to develop effective time management skills and avoid running out of time on the ACT. If you are stressed during the exam, try to unwind a bit. If you let your test anxiety take over, it will most certainly affect your ability to finish the test on time. The best antidote to test day anxiety is comprehensive preparation. Good luck!

How to Recognize When Your Student is Struggling with a School Subject

How to Recognize When Your Student is Struggling with a School Subject Its perfectly normal for a student to have difficulties from time to time with one or more subjects in school. And as Eileen Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center says, Many students who did fine with basic reading, writing and math may experience problems as subjects become more complex. How can you recognize the warning signs before your student brings home a poor report card or becomes totally discouraged? Huntington offers several red flags to watch for in subjects such as math or science: Your student typically receives good grades, and youre seeing a sudden dip in one subject in particularor more than one. Your student seems to struggle to gain traction on homework, or gets stuck easily. Your student has questions about areas covered in class that he or she did not understandbut he or she cant seem to help him or herself through notes or the textbook. Your student continues to miss the same problem types over and over in math and/or science. Your student continually gets stuck on one part of a problem and struggles to move past it to complete the problem. Word problems are difficult for your student because he or she cant separate the important and irrelevant information. Math is becoming increasingly difficult for your student to do independently because he or she struggles to understand the directions. Multi-step math problems are difficult for your student. Your students homework is sloppy or unreadable. Your student struggles to interpret data provided for problem solving. Despite genuine effort, your students grade in a certain difficult subject is suffering. Huntington Learning Center offers subject tutoring for students in middle school and high school. We offer one-to-one tutoring in all math and science classes and in other subjects, Huntington says. We work with students who want to improve a grade, those who are struggling to do homework and everyone in between, And though many students seek help once they begin falling behind, others may be less forthright with their struggles, Huntington reminds parents. The obvious red flags are poor grades and elevated frustration at homework time, but if you suspect that your student is lost in class and could use individualized help, its never too late to get started. Contact the Huntington Learning Center at 1 800 CAN LEARN to discuss your students needs.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Huntington Learning Center Celebrates Read Across America Day

Huntington Learning Center Celebrates Read Across America Day Calling all children, parents and others who love to read: March 2, 2017, is Read Across America Day. Huntington Learning Center joins millions of elementary and secondary teachers, administrators, higher education faculty, education support professionals, librarians, students and others in the education industry as well as members of the National Education Association (NEA) to celebrate this annual literary event, now in its 20th year. Read Across America Day also marks the birthday of revered childrens author, Theodor Seuss Geisel: the beloved and prolific Dr. Seuss. The celebrations goal is to inspire children and adults alike to read by offering reading resources and organizing fun events and activities. While March 2 is the official day of celebration, the NEA strives to build a nation of readers all year longthrough events, partnerships and a range of reading resources that make reading more enjoyable and accessible for everyone. Everyone at Huntington loves Read Across America Day because it is a day that we join our community members and celebrate reading for the entertaining and worthwhile escape that it is. A good book can inspire the mind and nurture the soul. We stand behind the NEAs goal with this annual celebration of one of the worlds most influential authors to help more children discover new knowledge and adventure through books. Here are several suggestions for parents to encourage their children to read: Visit the library often. The library is free for everyonetake advantage of the books, e-books and other resources that it offers. Most libraries also host many activities for children of all ages. Make visiting the library a weekly tradition. Download a free e-reader app. Open eBooks puts books in the hands of everyone. Learn more about President Obamas ConnectED initiative to make books available to all children and how to download and use Open eBooks. Have a happy reading hour. When everyone in your household gets into the habit of reading, your child will be more likely to associate it with fun family time. Spend time together at least a few nights a week with books, blankets and mugs of hot chocolate. Engage with other readers. Part of the joy of reading is talking about the stories youre reading. Websites like Goodreads are a wonderful way for children to engage with peers and share their thoughts about the books theyre enjoying and seek book recommendations. Ask your childs teacher about book clubs or groups through school, too. Try it all. Magazines, comic books, newspapers and blogsthese are all great ways to engage reluctant readers who are less enthusiastic about books for one reason or another. Remember that reading is reading. If your child isnt excited about books, there are many other ways to get him or her reading, so keep trying. To learn more about Read Across America or to get involved, visit For more reading tips and ideas, visit

RVF International

RVF International RVF International RVF International is an organization based out of Madrid, Spain that helps connect teachers to schools all over Spain via the RVF International Teach English in Spain Program. The RVF International Teach English in Spain program provides assistance and guidance in every step of the way to getting you teaching English in Spain. We will help you find a teaching job in Spain where youll only be working 4 days a week, giving you plenty of time to travel and enjoy all there is to see and experience in Spain. RVF International is dedicated to Connecting People (like yourself) to Places (like Spain). _________________________ Reasons to not come and teach English in beautiful, sunny Spain? Zero! Through the RVF International Teach English in Spain Program, we will connect you with a Language Assistant positions in a Spanish public school, and will then assist you with every facet of the process to get you there! Our promise to you: Connect you with a Language Assistant position in Spain Assist you with the registration/application process Help you with the entire process of securing your Spanish visa Assist you to open a bank account, get completely situated, get legal residency in Spain, continued availability throughout entire program. Some amazing benefits about what your day-to-day in Spain will look like: Four-Day work week, Competitive Spanish salary, Three-Day weekends - perfect for traveling exploring Spain and Europe, Health Insurance Travel Language Immersion Opportunities No prior teaching experience of any kind is required. Contact us today!

10 Things I wish I was Told in School

10 Things I wish I was Told in School Im 27. I do not think about the past and do not regret it too much. But sometimes I would like to have learned a little more of other things. Things I have learned over the past years. It would be great to have self-development lessons in courses at school. But I still think it would be nice to highlight a few hours of all these activities on some German lessons in self-development. Perhaps only one hour a week in high school. This could be useful for many students and on a larger scale for our whole society. So here are 10 things that I would have liked to learn more about in school (or just known about). 1) Rule 80-20 or the Pareto principle. 80 % of all income received bring only 20% of your activities. From this we can conclude that much of what we do doesnt really bear income and therefore is not necessary. So many things you do,might  not so useful, or even not as important as it might have seemed to be. You can just throw engaged or severely cut back on the time you spend on a huge variety of activities. And if you do, you will have more time and energy on what really brings results, happiness, satisfaction, and so on. 2) Rule of Parkinson. You can do things a lot faster than you realize. So the more time you give yourself to for any job, the more time it will take in the end. You can move faster than you think. This law states that work expands in volume and apparent complexity to fill all her allotted time. For example, if you promise yourself to find a solution in a week, it would seem that the problem becomes more complicated, and you will spend more and more time trying to come to a decision.  So focus your time on finding solutions. Give yourself one hour (instead of the whole day) or the day (instead of the whole week ) to address the problem. This will cause your brain to focus on finding solutions and actions. The result may not be as perfect as if you spent a week on the task , but ,as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, it is still 80 % of the results obtained from 20 % of the effort. You can also come to a better solution, because you do not overdo it. This law will help you do the job faster, improve your concentration and ability to provide you with more free time in which you can concentrate fully on what you need to do. And in your subconscious you will not have outstanding work sticking out, causing stress. 3) The group operation. This is a method of performing boring and monotonous tasks as quickly as possible. A good way to do it quickly group tasks. That is, you make them all one after another. You can deal with them quickly, because you will have less time acceleration than if you have them stretched out. And when you group, you are more involved in the work and more focused. 4) Give first and then get. Give first and then receive. Life is not like a restaurant where you pay for the food only after it is received. In life, to achieve something, you must first pay for it. If you want to maximize what you get (money, love, kindness, opportunities etc.), you have to increase what you give. Because in the future, you very often get exactly what give. Maybe it would be nice to get something for nothing. But this rarely happens. 5) Do not brake run ahead! so you first get rid of expectations, and secondly it will give you pleasure, because you will get the feeling that you have the power to control your life. 6) Errors and failures it is good. Its good. Thanks to errors you gain experience, learn new things and learn how to avoid such mistakes in the future. Handled properly, the errors can teach you to be a successful person. When your having negative experience, ask yourself: what an opportunity it gives me? What could be useful for me in this situation in the future? One negative experience over time can help you to get a set of a very positive experiences. Negative experiences, mistakes and failures can sometimes be even more useful to success, because they teach you something completely new, what would you would never have been taught by another successful experience. 7) Use the reticulation  activating system (RAS) Use the reticulation activating system (RAS). RAS is a focusing system. To use it, you need to focus on what you want and keep the attention. 8)Your attitude determines reality Most pessimists consider themselves realists. However, in reality, the reason that bad things happen with them, is because of their reticular activating system constantly tuned to the perception of negativity. That is why they find confirmation of their pessimistic ideas. In any case to be an optimist is much better than the realist. Think about it. 9)  In order to feel happy, you need to be grateful. In order to feel happy,you need to be grateful. The fact is that only in a few minutes when you feel gratitude, you can turn a bad mood into a good one. In this regard, each person will be useful to practice being grateful. This tool will also help you maintain a positive attitude towards  reality and thus directly linked with the preceding paragraph. 10) From 80 to 90% of what you fear will never happen. From 80 to 90% of what you fear will never happen. In fact, our fears are greatly exaggerated. In most cases, anxiety its a waste of time. Of course, its easy to say. But if you remind yourself how little of what you feared in your life, has happened in reality, you can begin to worry less and less.

3 easy ways to teach your child times tables at home

3 easy ways to teach your child times tables at home There comes a time in every parents life where the inevitable times-tables learning will come up. For some children it is easier than for others but from my experience all children need a helping hand. Times tables are so important to a child's learning; they will help them conquer Maths much easier if they know their times tables by heart. And of course times tables are something that will help in all aspects of both school life and adult life. Multiplication Table 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 12 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 We at First Tutors understand the importance of teaching our children the times tables so we've come up with three easy ways we think will aid in getting your child to remember their times tables. 1. Start with the easiest and work up No-one ever said that learning times tables was easy. It's a matter of going over and over them until your child feels confident that they have learnt them. A common mistake people tend to make is working their way through the numbers in order. It is much easier and far more constructive to start with the easy numbers first. This will not only help build your child's confidence as they are learning but will also make the transition from the lower numbers to the higher numbers far easier. So by starting with the 1's you are introducing your child to the times tables in a very easy way. 1 x 1 is 1. Explaining the drill will ensure your child sees that learning their times tables is not going to be as difficult as they may have heard. The best order for learning the times tables, in my opinion, are as follows: The 10's The 5's. The 11's. The 2's. The 4's. And then: The 9's. The 6's. The 3's. The 12's. The 8's. The 7's. The ten times tables are by far the easiest as they require no understanding about how the tables work. To multiply any number by 10 you simply put a zero on the end of it. 1 x 10 = 10 4 x 10 = 40 9 x 10 = 90 And this works with any number. 16 x 10 = 160 37 x 10 = 370 98 x 10 = 980 And there you have the ten times tables. The five times tables are pretty straight-forward too and shouldn't take too long to learn. The easiest way to learn the five times tables is probably parrot-fashion and learning them in a rhythm: Five - ten - fifteen - twenty - twenty-five - thirty - thirty-five - forty - forty-five - fifty etc. Teaching your child to count up in fives can also be part of a game. Whenever we play hide-and-seek for example, the finder always has to count up in fives to one hundred! When it comes to the rest of the numbers it's about explaining how multiplication works. Whenever we multiply a number, the answer gets bigger by whatever the multiplier is. A great way of explaining this is by using real objects. Lego, coins, pebbles; anything that can show how when we have one number and multiply it by another the first number grows. With the two's it just about explaining that we are doubling that number. For example, the sum 2 x 6 also means double six. Two times six is twelve, two sixes and double six is twelve. Another thing to remember is that multiplying gives the same answer forwards as it does backwards (1 x 2 is the same as 2 x 1) so as you move up the numbers you're already half-way there. Multiplication is just sequential adding. Take a jar of pennies and put three piles of four pennies. Explain that you have four pennies, three times. This means you have 4 + 4 + 4. It also means you have three times four (3 x 4). If you add up all the piles of pennies you will have twelve pennies in total. This kind of practice can be done as many times as needed for the child to comprehend the idea of multiplication. Change the quantities and objects until your child feels confident enough to move on. 2. Teach the tricks The great thing with times tables is that there are many tricks that can help your child memorise them more easily. Let's take a look at a couple of tricks: 2 times tables: Double it! Two times a number simply means add the number twice. 6 x 2 is actually 6 + 6 and 8 x 2 is the same as 8 + 8. 4 times tables: Double it then double it again! It is simply a matter of doubling the number then doubling the answer. For example, 4 x 5 is 5 + 5 = 10 and 10 + 10 = 20. 4 x 5 is 20! 9 times tables: This is actually a very simple trick so I'll try and explain it as best I can. Use the palms of your hands. Your left hand and anything left of the finger you will put down will be the tens. Your right hand and any finger after the finger that is put down will be the ones. Have a look at the picture to familiarise yourself with the palm. So, if you put down your pinky finger (as in the diagram below; this would be position one and for the purpose of 1 x 9) on your left palm you are left with nine remaining fingers. 1 x 9 = 9. If you then put down only your ring finger on your left hand (position 2 for 2 x 9) you are left with one finger to the left of your ring finger and eight fingers after. Therefore 2 x 9 is 1 (on the ten's side) and 8 (on the ones side), 18. Let's do a couple more to make sure you've got the hang of it. 3 x 9 would be putting down the third finger (your middle finger) and you will see that you have two fingers to the left and seven fingers to the right. 2 and 7, twenty-seven. If you then put down only your index finger you will see that 4 x 9 equals thirty-six (three to your left, six to your right). 7 x 9 would simply be put down the index finger of your right hand as this would be the seventh finger and your answer will be revealed as sixty-three (six fingers to your left, three fingers to your right). This is a great trick and one that children love to practise. 11 times tables: Learning the 11 times table is actually very easy up to the number nine. It is simply doubling the appearance of the number you wish to multiply. For example, 2 x 11 = 22, 3 x 11 = 33, 4 x 11 = 44 and so on. There is also a great trick for multiplying large numbers by eleven too. What is 24 x 11? Add the first and second numbers together; 2 + 4 = 6. Then place the answer between the first and second numbers; 264. The answer is 264! When the sum of the first and second numbers is more than nine, you simply increase the left-hand number by the 1 to carry. For example, 11 x 99 would be: Add the first and second digits; 9 + 9 = 18 Add 1 to 9 to get 10, then place the 8 between the 10 and the 9. 1089 is your answer! There are plenty of cool tricks around to help your child master the times tables. These little tricks can go a long way and make the learning seem less tiresome for a child. 3. Drill Drill Drill Whether it be on your way to school every morning, walking through the supermarket aisles or whilst you child is having a splash in the bath drill them continuously until they are completely comfortable with all their times tables and can answer a thrown out 9 x 9 in an instant. Drilling should be done once the child is familiar with their tables or at least a set of numbers. Drilling should be started in order and once you feel they are getting there you can mix it all up. They may hesitate at the beginning but the more you drill the more the times tables will be embedded into their memories. Drill sessions should be quite short, no more than about five to ten minutes, depending on the attention span of your child. But you should aim to have at least two to three drilling sessions per day to really maximise the effect and speed up the learning process. To Conclude Learning the times tables takes time, dedication and patience. Introducing them in a fun and interactive way is by far the best way to start. Encourage your child to learn their times tables by being as involved as possible and checking their progress often. Little tips and tricks can make a huge difference in instilling the times tables into their memories and help build their confidence. If you are struggling with helping your child learn their tables it may be worth seeking the help of a private tutor to get them started. Good luck!